Thursday, December 09, 2004

The Queen of the Non Sequiturs

There is an older lady that comes into the library regularly. She is a perfectly sweet person but the strangest things come out of her mouth.

One day, out of the blue, she asked me if I had ever been to Montana. "The people are so nice there. Don't you think?"

I guess.

Today, while I was checking her out, she came out with, "Don't you like it when it's windy? I mean, when there's a nice breeze?"

I guess.

Once, she refused to tell me her name to pick up printouts because she was afraid her identity would be stolen. "Don't you think someone could do that? Just by getting your name?"

I guess.

I'll have to keep adding to this one because there are just so many good ones. It's hard to remember them all.

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