Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Cat Pee Lady

Sometimes, working in a library can be very very unpleasant.

We have a bookdrop for the return of library materials at the front. The clerks are responsible for emptying this bookdrop and returning the items inside. Unfortunately, the bookdrop can often be like a box of never know what you are going to get.

For a period of time, when you would stick your hands into the bookdrop and pull out a stack of books, you would find that your hands would be covered in a foul-smelling sticky substance. Yes, my friends, the books were covered in cat pee. And they were brand new books that had only circulated once. We had to throw all of them away. This happened several times until finally, we caught the perp. It was a little old lady and my boss did the honors of slapping handcuffs on her and taking her away. Actually, she just gently told her about the problem. But wouldn't it be funny to send something to jail for cat pee digressions?

Ah, the bookdrop. So many adventures in one place...


Anonymous said...

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! She HAD to have noticed it! And what kind of cat pees on books? There's carpeting, pillows, bedding, all kinds of better things to be peeing on.

Amy M. said...

Clearly her cats are no bibliophiles...