Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Danny, the Wonder Boy

At one of the library branches I used to work at, there was a little boy named Danny who would always come in with his dad. Danny was probably about 3 years old when I knew him.

He was so cute. Very serious and thoughtful. When I would offer him his choice of stickers, he would always put a lot of thought into his choice.

Danny's father was really into Classical music and he would order a lot of CDs. He would always get Danny excited when they came in.

"Hey Danny, we got Beethovan today. Yea!!!"

Danny would jump up and down about Beethovan like most kids get excited about Elmo.

Here are my two favorite Danny stories:

1) One day, Danny asked his father what a sign said. I don't remember what the text was but all the words began with the same letter. After his dad read it to him, Danny said, "Hey Daddy! That's alliteration." My jaw hit the floor. Danny's father told me he had just learned about what alliteration was. I have decided that if I have kids, they will be listening to Classical music.

2) One day, Danny came in wearing the cutest little sunglasses. He and his dad were picking up the latest Sheryl Crow CD. When Danny saw what they were getting, he started jumping up and down and shouting something I couldn't understand. I turned to his father for a translation. His dad said, "He's saying 'Soak up the sun.' He loves that song." I had a vision of Danny sitting in his carseat with his sunglasses on, the wind blowing through his hair, singing along to "Soak Up the Sun." It made my day.


Amy M. said...

Thanks for checking in, Rik! We love hearing from readers. May our pain be your pleasure...

Anonymous said...

I concur. Great blog and a kid that knows what alliteration is? Great stuff.