Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Glove Lady

The Glove Lady is something of a local phenomenon. We first encountered her at Barnes and Noble. She is very very eccentric. But the most glaring aspect of her eccentricity is the pair of plastic gloves that she wears everywhere that she goes. These are not your average garden-variety gloves. She wears yellow dishwashing gloves that go to her elbows. And she conducts all of her business this way. At B&N, she loaded up the desk at the cashwrap with piles of magazines and books over the course of 30-45 minutes. After G. rang up this ginormous pile of merchandise, she proceeded to pay for it with a giant wad of cash. He marveled as she peeled off bill after bill to pay. It was weird. And he worried about the gloves. Should he be worried? Was he dealing with an anthrax situation?

When G. related this tale to others outside of the B&N sphere, they knew the woman right away. People see her walking around town with her bright yellow gloves. And sometimes, she frequents the library, leaving us with many unanswered questions.

Glove lady, why do you wear your gloves? Are you afraid of OUR germs? Are you protecting us from YOUR germs? Are you just crazy?

Maybe we'll never know.


Anonymous said...

Can I just say I LOVE reading your blog everyday!

Amy M. said...

I'm so glad. It's nice to know we are being read!