Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Magical Bookdrop

A lady asked me yesterday,
"When I drop my items in the bookdrop, they are automatically checked in right?"

Yes, and little elves come and reshelve the books at night.

The library is truly a magical wonderland.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Lord of the Ring Strikes Back

Remember the Lord of the Ring? (henceforth to be referred to as LOTR) Well, he seems to have a little thing for me and always seeks me out in the library. I try to be pleasant and friendly while maintaining a safe distance.

Well, he comes in today and comes to the Circulation Desk. I greet him and ask him if the items he has are for return. He nods his head. I return them and he goes out into the stacks to look for more items.

After I came back from lunch, my co-worker G. pulled me aside to tell me that the Lord of the Ring had complained to our manager. He told her that he believes G. has turned me against him (LOTR) by claiming that he (LOTR) is a homosexual. He says I'm just not as friendly as I used to be and he knows it is G.'s fault. He is now going to the City Librarian with this tale of woe.

So, gentle readers, I if you hear in the news about a crazy person going in a shooting up a library because they claimed he was a homosexual, think good thoughts for me.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The DVD Phenomenon

We have just started receiving DVDs and I have noticed a new phenomenon taking place. We only have a few of them so we keep them on the circulation desk. As soon as we reach over the desk to reshelve one, people will grab it out of our hands.

"I don't care what it is as long as it's a DVD!!!"

"You do realize that you just ripped Wishmaster 18 3/4 out of my hands?"

"Yes but it's a DVD!"

It's the most bizarre obsession I have ever seen.

There is a man that comes in every day and gets more DVDs. I think he has pretty much made it all the way through our collection at this point. And that is all he ever checks out. I have to restrain myself from saying, "How about a book to go with your DVDs?"

I just put out a DVD documentary about Karl Rove. I can't wait to see who grabs it. After all, it's a DVD.