Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Lotion Lady

My co-worker E. was working along happily one day when I woman snuck around the side of the counter and tried to get E.'s attention.

The woman whispered, "Excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you but I can't leave the library and I really need some lotion. My hands are just so dry! Do you have any lotion I could have?"

E. paused for a moment and then headed to the staff room to get our staff lotion. E. squirted two squirts in the lady's hand and then went back to work.

The lady seemed eternally grateful. Evidently, dry hands are a horrible affliction when you are stuck in the library.

So, you can add "personal grooming product supplier" to our list of library services.

I hear that with all the budget cuts going on, we will now only be able to give customers ONE squirt of lotion in the future. Just FYI.

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