Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Moral to this Story...

All right children, gather around. I have a story to tell you.

Once upon a time, some people decided to buy a house right next door to a public library. Before long, they became very irritated with all the comings and goings and other activites that surrounded this library. Now, being good Americans, they didn't say to themselves, "Well, I guess we made a bad decision moving into this house next to a library." Instead, they went to their city councilperson and complained about the noise from the library delivery trucks. Because of these people, delivery is now always delayed by two days, inconveniencing hundreds of people.

But that's not all, little children.

One day, the library neighbors' house was broken into. Now, that is very unfortunate. But they didn't exactly live in the nicest and safest of neighborhoods. But, true to form, the neighbors immediately marched in to blame the library. They demanded that the library build them a new security fence since the intruders "probably" came from the library parking lot. Chances are, these people will get their way and your poor library workers will be out in the cold building a fence

The moral to this story, children, is that the squeaky wheel always gets the oil. So never take responsibility for anything and always blame someone else!


Katya Coldheart said...

i love this blog...your writing is great...i'm going to add you to my links asap...

Katya Coldheart said...

p.s i came here thru blue2go...

Amy M. said...
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joshua said...

that's really too bad. i love libraries.