Monday, November 22, 2004

The Muzak Lady

We all know that libraries are supposed to be quiet places, right? Well, they aren't anymore. But we certainly don't have music on an intercom system like some stores. Well, one day, this older lady came in and asked me what the name of the music was that was playing. I paused for a moment trying to think of how to answer that. Finally, I said, "I'm sorry, I don't hear anything. We don't play music in the library. Perhaps you are hearing someone's personal radio or something." She thanked me and walked off. A little while later she came back to the Circulation Desk and asked my co-worker the same question. He tried to argue with her that there was no music playing but she was quite insistent. She even hummed a little of it for him. Finally, my co-worker gave up, hummed along with her and said, "Yeah, I think it's Neil Diamond." She seemed happy with that answer and went merrily on her way. I guess sometimes you just need to play along and tell people what they need to hear. Even if they are completely nuts.

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