Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Prince

This man came in today and asked me for the title "The Prince of Machiavelli." It took me a moment but then I asked him,

"You mean, "The Prince" by Machiavelli?"

I figured that would end the matter but he chose to argue with me.

"No, I think you're wrong. It's not BY Machiavelli. It's called "The Prince of Machiavelli."

I looked at him and thought, "Why is this guy arguing with me? I work in a library!"

I calmly told him that no, that wasn't the title. Machiavelli is the author. I ordered it for him and told him that if it ended up being the wrong one, he could send it back. I guess we'll see.


Katya Coldheart said...

theres always someone who knows your job better than you isn't there...

SquirrleyMojo said...


i did this once.
went to a university book store and demanded the book, _The Awakening_, by *Mary* Chopin.

when the clerk told me it was *Kate* I became angry and insisted I was an English major and would know damnit!

to my horror, 3 years later, I had a graduate seminar with this very same man . . .