Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Whiner

Ah Saturdays. So tedious. So tiresome. So full of whiners.

At my humble little library system, it is our policy that if a customer is waiting for an item, you cannot renew it. This holds true of any item in our system, regardless if it is new or not.

A customer approached my co-worker J. and just threw a ginormous s***fit just now because she couldn't renew an item because someone is waiting for it. She started yelling, "This is ridiculous! You should always get at least one renewal. No matter what!"

Now, if this woman was the one WAITING for the item, I bet we'd hear another story. She'd complain that someone was allowed to keep it for one three-week checkout to begin with.

So, this whiner is so upset that she demanded to speak the manager about the library's policy. So, far she has been bitching for about 15 minutes. And since we only have two librarians, this is causing a giant line at the reference desk while she pleads her groundless case.



Anonymous said...

what was the item?

Amy M. said...

You know, it was just some random fiction book. I didn't see it because my co-worker was handling it. After my post, she continued to argue for another fifteen minutes making it a grand total of...wait for it...30 minutes of wasting our time!!!