Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcome to the Dewey Diaries *sticky post*

If you are just joining us, we suggest that you start from the beginning (November 2004) so that you can savor every delicious library anecdote.


(Disclaimer: These are not the stories of one library in particular. Rather, it is a clearinghouse for stories that have been sent into the Dewey Diaries and sanitized and buffed up for your reading pleasure.)


GenE S. said...

Just letting you know that as a reader, as well as a customer service rep (state service) I enjoyed all the history of the blog, and am patiently waiting for updates.


Amy M. said...

GBS-Thanks for joining us. I assure you that more tales from the stacks are forthcoming! Keep checking in!!!

Anonymous said...

Am I to understand that malady is working at ANOTHER public liberry?

The Other Ellen

Amy M. said...

Other Ellen--

These stories have been "laundered" if you catch my drift...

Anonymous said...

Hmh. Maybe I should start one for the photo lab.
Nah, this is much more interesting.

Amy M. said...

Hello irid3sc3nt!

I bet you would have lots of wonderful photo lab stories!